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Policies and Procedures

Automobile Policy

Drivers Policy

All drivers of University owned, leased, rented or borrowed vehicles must have and maintain a valid driver's license with 3 points or less. Your driving record will be checked for the past three years. If the Motor Vehicle Department's report reflects an adverse driving record, such as a DUI conviction or moving violation (over three points), the employee or student will not be allowed to drive any NSU vehicle and may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination.

The following information must be submitted to the Risk Management Office:

Accidents Policy

  1. University Vehicles Policy
    The driver of a University owned, leased, rented or borrowed vehicle involved in an accident on or off campus must notify the proper authorities, including Public Safety, Risk Management and their supervisor, and file any required reports. Also, University vehicles must have an Insurance ID card in the vehicle. Contact Chris Robinson at x. 2-8815 for replacement cards.

    • Notify NSU's Office of Public Safety.
    • If off-campus, contact the local police department.
    • Obtain the names and addresses of any witnesses to the accident and drivers' exchange of information for each vehicle involved.
    • If such party needs additional information, refer him/her to NSU's Risk Management office.
    • Provide all documentation (i.e. police report, rental car agreement, and any other paperwork) to Risk Management.

    Contact the Risk Management office if an employee is injured. A worker's compensation report must be filed. For additional information, please go to NSU's Public Safety Office web site.
  2. Rental Vehicle Policy
    Any employee/student driving a rental vehicle on University business is responsible to report accidents and damages to the rental agency and Public Safety.

    The employee/student must file a report with the rental agency. This must also be filed with the Risk Management Office with a signed written report detailing the facts surrounding the accident.
  3. Personal Vehicle Policy
    The insurance of an employee involved in an accident using his/her own vehicle on University business is primary. NSU's insurance will respond for liability only, once the employee's primary coverage is exhausted. The University does not cover collision/comprehensive damage on employees' vehicles.

    The individual must report the accident to his/her insurance company, as well as to the Risk Management Office.
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