The Office of Procurement Services will be referred to as “procurement services” within the context of university procurement policies and procedures.
NSU functions as a centralized procurement organization, thereby, all products, services, and equipment for each department throughout the university shall be procured through OPS.
All university employees and faculty and staff members will be referred to as "requesters" within the context of university procurement policies and procedures
Each requester will determine the specific type of equipment, supplies, and services required for operation within his or her given budget allocation. Procurement Services can assist the requester in identifying the appropriate item(s) and/or service(s).
Advance planning and early procurement management involvement is a critical success factor in the procurement process. Sufficient advance notice must be given to allow procurement management to obtain the necessary quotes and to plan for the anticipated delivery lead time. Approval activities outside of procurement management, such as legal review, sponsored programs review, and the IT approval process, should also be considered when planning purchases. Unplanned rush purchases often result in a combination of poor quality and higher prices, and therefore, must be avoided.
Requesters are encouraged to contact procurement services well in advance for major projects or technically complex needs to plan for the acquisition of equipment and supplies. See Authorized Procurement Methods, Purchases with Additional Requirements, Solicitation of Bids, and Competitive Bidding Thresholds sections for more detailed information.
Only those people authorized by the university may commit university funds to purchase goods or services or enter into an agreement with a supplier to purchase goods or services.
Also see Requesting Products and Services, Solicitation of Bids, and Procurement Matrix sections for guidelines for identifying the proper order and payment procedure for goods and services.
Purchase Orders
A purchase order, commonly referred to as an Ariba Direct Order (DO), is a binding document between the university and a supplier. DOs are bound by the university’s purchase order general terms and conditions. DOs may only be issued by authorized individuals in procurement services. All equipment and supplies shall be purchased using this procurement method regardless of funding source or dollar amount of purchase.
Purchase Orders for services shall be used when the quantities, frequency, and established rates for services rendered are static in nature.
Check Requests
A Check Request (CR) may be used as a form of payment when the use of an authorized Ariba DO is not possible or not required as determined by the office of procurement services.
Check Requests for services shall be used when the quantities, frequency, and established rates for services rendered are dynamic in nature, assuming all other required procurement activities such as single/sole source verification or competitive bids have been performed and proper documentation of such activities is provided by the requester upon submitting the CR.
University Issued Credit Cards
NSU Financial Operations will issue procurement cards to employees for emergency purchases and for occurrences where a supplier will not accept an authorized DO. For information on obtaining a procurement card, please contact NSU Accounts Payable.
Unauthorized Purchases
Purchases not made for the express purpose of university business are contrary to university policy. Purchases contrary to policy may result in the university considering the purchase void. In such a case, the university may decline to pay the invoice and will advise the supplier to look for payment from the individual who initiated the order.
Nova Southeastern University’s purchase order terms and conditions apply to all university issued purchase orders unless different terms and conditions are otherwise agreed to in writing as part of a separate agreement between the university and the supplier. A purchase order will be deemed accepted by the supplier either upon: 1) seller’s written acknowledgement of the purchase order; 2) shipment of goods; or 3) commencement of performance of services.
The following terms shall apply as applicable where NSU purchases in connection with federal funding or using federal funds per Section 30 of the purchase order terms and conditions.
NSU is authorized to utilize all national cooperative, GPO’s, and local piggyback contracts with favorable terms and conditions, to provide cost savings, expanded service features and benefits, to facilitate fiscal responsibility.
By leveraging institutional purchasing power, the university is able to realize savings and secure overall best value for products and services. This is passed onto the faculty and staff in the form of reduced approval cycle times, audited pricing transparency, cost avoidances, realized savings, and more efficient transactions.
The university has access to national cooperative purchasing agreements through E&I Cooperative Services Inc., U.S. Communities, and ICUF, along with the ability to access the state of Florida agreements. Additionally, procurement services negotiates local and regional contracts to fulfill purchase requests that are not covered through any of the above affiliations.
Procurement services will evaluate the use of time and material type contracts when a standard service contract may not be applicable.
See Requesting Products and Services for additional information on Preferred Suppliers.
Preferred Suppliers (Ariba Catalog Suppliers)
Preferred suppliers should be used to procure commodities and services whenever possible. When specific categories are not listed or when preferred suppliers cannot meet a requester’s requirements, procurement services will work with the requester to identify an appropriate supplier.
Preferred suppliers are those suppliers that have either
See Ariba Catalogs for preferred suppliers based on commodity requested. An Ariba catalog PR is to be submitted to initiate the request to purchase goods as indicated in the Procurement Matrix and as facilitated by the Ariba catalogs available within the system.
Approved Suppliers
Approved suppliers are those suppliers that do not have an electronic catalog through the university’s eProcurement system, Ariba, but
Ariba Catalog and Non-Catalog Purchase Requisitions
Preferred suppliers offer electronic catalogs. Items from preferred suppliers are commonly referred to as “catalog” items. Procurement management approval requirements are significantly reduced when Ariba purchase requisitions (PR) are submitted consisting entirely of catalog items. PRs for all other items, or “non-catalog” items, require procurement management approval. See Procurement Management Ariba PR Approval Thresholds for more information.
All documentation should be provided as comments and/or attachments in the spaces provided within the system. Such documentation includes ship to information, special instructions, supplier quotes (PDF is the preferred format; MS Word and MS Excel are also accepted.), supplier terms and conditions (if applicable), supplier agreements, contracts, or any other such commitment (if applicable), product specifications, and rush or emergency status, including "need by" dates (if applicable).
Competitive Bids may be required prior to approving a PR for the purchase of goods and services depending on the dollar amount or the purchase, the source of funding, or other contributing factors. See Solicitation of Bids and Competitive Bid Thresholds sections for more information. Upon final approval of the PR, an Ariba Direct Order (DO) will be generated and sent to the supplier for order fulfillment.
For access to the Ariba system, complete the Ariba System Access Form, obtain required approval, and submit to the NSU Budget Office for processing.
Procurement Services Ariba PR Approval Thresholds
Procurement services approval is required when
In addition to departmental and procurement services approvals, other university approvals may be required. Please see Purchases with Additional Requirements for more information.
The Procurement Matrix has been developed to assist requesters in the identification of the proper order procedure for goods and services:
Procurement of goods and services whose costs are charged to sponsored programs/ projects received by the university are subject to all of the specific purchasing policies established by NSU. In addition, procurements associated with sponsored programs/ projects are subject to the following supplemental policies:
Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE) purchases: Any article produced by Florida’s PRIDE, a private not for profit corporation established pursuant to Florida Statutes 946.515, necessary to perform activities under a State funded contract shall be procured by the University from this corporation, when price and quality are determined to be comparable to articles required by the University.
Please click the link below for details regarding the PRIDE Contract.
This PDF contains details on how to use this contract. All NSU orders should be placed via NSU’s Ariba e-Procurement system. Click here to access the document.
Procurement of Materials with Recycled Content: Any products or materials that are subject of or necessary to perform activities under a State funded contract, shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes sections 287.045 and 403.7065.
If the requested materials or services can only be obtained from a single or sole source supplier, a sole source form will be required when submitting the purchase requisitions or check request as indicated in Authorized Procurement Methods.
When submitting an Ariba purchase requisition (PR) or Check Request (CR) which qualifies as a single/sole source purchase, a single/sole source procurement justification is required. The single/sole source nature of the purchase must be approved and verified PRIOR TO committing the university in any way, including but not limited to; purchase order issuance, pre-payment, supplier service performance, or any other similar activities. Signatures and dates captured on the form must reflect approval and verification prior to order, service, or invoice date.
The single/sole source documentation must state the steps taken to determine the single/sole source’s status and those steps must be verified by the office of procurement management. When a sole source transaction exists, the competitive solicitation process is not utilized. The single/sole source supplier is required, however, to submit its proposal or quotation in writing. Additionally, the single/sole source nature of a purchase does not preclude procurement services from engaging in additional negotiations with the single/sole source supplier on terms and conditions, pricing, or other procurement related activities which may benefit the university.
This justification must be submitted by attaching an authorized sole source form to the Ariba PR or CR.
Download the Single/Sole Source Justification Form:
Purchases for the commodities and services that follow may require the review and approval from specific university departments other than, or in addition to, procurement management.
Architectural and Engineering Services
All requests for architectural and engineering services must be reviewed and approved by facilities management.
Audit Services
All requests for audit services must be reviewed and approved by financial operations.
Construction Services
All requests for construction and renovations services must be reviewed and approved by facilities management.
Employment Services
All requests for employment services must be reviewed and approved by human resources.
Equipment and Vehicle Leases
Lease versus buy options for equipment may be reviewed as part of the competitive bid process when applicable. The university’s fleet department is responsible for the acquisition and disposition of the university’s service fleet. It will be up to the finance department to advise on lease versus buy decisions.
Insurance Services
All requests for insurance services must be reviewed and approved by risk management.
Legal Services
All leases, contracts, and agreements for facilities, goods for services that either 1) have a monetary obligation in excess of $15,000, 2) are for a term of more than one year, or 3) contain provisions relating to liability, default, indemnification, or insurance must be approved by NSU’s counsel and signed by the president or the executive vice president for administration. Insurance requirements are handled by risk management.
Printed Materials
All requests for printing services must be reviewed and approved by publications.
Sponsored Programs
The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) must review and approve Ariba purchase requisitions for purchases made under a sponsored award if said award is managed by OSP. OSP provides oversight in determining allow ability and compliance with funding agency polices, terms, and conditions.
Purchases made under sponsored awards will be made in accordance with OMB 2 CFR Chapter I, Chapter II, Part 200, et al. Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards; Final Rule (Click Here to download the full contents) when applicable. At a minimum, procurement management will engage in sourcing activities when characteristics indicative of a procurement relationship between NSU and a supplier are present, the commodity or service has not been determined to be a single/sole source, and the university’s established bid thresholds have been met. In accordance with the OMB Federal Register Subrecipient Monitoring and Management Section, characteristics indicative of a procurement relationship between NSU and supplier include those occurrences when the supplier:
Prison Rehabilitative Industries and Diversified Enterprises, Inc. (PRIDE) purchases: Any article produced by Florida’s PRIDE, a private not for profit corporation established pursuant to Florida Statutes 946.515, necessary to perform activities under a State funded contract shall be procured by the University from this corporation, when price and quality are determined to be comparable to articles required by the University.
Procurement of Materials with Recycled Content: Any products or materials that are subject of or necessary to perform activities under a State funded contract, shall be procured in accordance with the provisions of Florida Statutes sections 287.045 and 403.7065.
See Solicitation of Bids and Competitive Bid Thresholds for more information on purchases for sponsored awards. Requesters should also visit the Office of Sponsored Programs website at for additional information.
Technology Related Requests
The Office of Innovation and Information Technology (OIIT) must approve technology-related purchase requisitions, such as laptops, desktop computers, servers, workstations, systems, printers, peripherals, and software. All audiovisual equipment, such as overhead projectors, video projectors, screens, sound systems, and videoconferencing systems, must also be approved by OIIT.
Travel Services
All requests for travel services must be reviewed and approved by the travel office.
An Ariba RC is always associated with an Ariba Direct Order. Not to be confused with receipts for reimbursement, Ariba RCs are generated as a method for requesters to indicate the actual receipt of a good or service ordered through the use of a DO.
Requesters are required to complete a thorough inspection of goods received and services rendered immediately upon receipt. If no damage, defect, or errors are found, the requester must complete the Ariba RC associated with the PR in a timely manner. The supplier should be alerted of any problems or discrepancies. Persisting or unresolved situations should be brought to the attention of procurement services.
An RC can be completed by accepting or rejecting one or more line items on the RC. Submitting the RC for items accepted indicates the “OK to Pay” to accounts payable. Accounts payable will not process payment for any purchase orders until an RC is submitted.
Procurement services will acquire commodities and services through open and transparent competitive bidding, tendering, and single/sole source procurement processes. In some cases, sourcing activities may not result in the issuance of a purchase order, however, this does not negate the requirement for due diligence performance. See Authorized Procurement Methods and Competitive Bid Thresholds sections for more information.
Requester responsibilities are defined in the Roles and Responsibilities section. Advance planning is a critical success factor in the procurement process. Sufficient advance notice must be given to allow procurement services to obtain the necessary bids and to plan for the anticipated delivery lead time. The duration of the bid process is determined by the complexity of the request, the accuracy and completeness of the information provided by the requester, the prompt identification of potential bid participants, and realistic conditions of the market.
To facilitate the timely issuance and accuracy of the bid solicitation, requesters are asked to complete the appropriate intake form based on the sourcing method applied, as determined by procurement services.
Based on the purchase amount and complexity of the purchase requirement, procurement services shall invite competitive bids from suppliers through one of the following methods.
Request for Proposal (RFP)
An RFP is a commonly applied sourcing method used by NSU for soliciting pricing and availability of goods or services. The RFP process shall be undertaken by procurement services upon submission of a purchase requisition in the Ariba system or by completing a sourcing intake form by the requester. To ensure the confidentiality and integrity of the RFP process, competitive bids shall be solicited using, and results stored in, the university’s Ariba Sourcing system. No other university department or individual is authorized to issue an RFP on behalf of the university.
Unless otherwise determined, RFP documents are issued to a minimum of three bid participants and include the standard university conditions related to insurance requirements, indemnification, and confidentiality, as well as a detailed scope of work and/or specifications including, but not limited to, quantity, description, delivery requirements, special conditions, and drawings. Timely RFP responses are collected and reviewed and results are recorded by procurement services and other stakeholders as needed (collectively referred to as “reviewers”). Responses are evaluated and, all things being equal, the award is made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.
Additionally, bid participants may be asked to attend site visits as needed, depending on the nature of the bid. Bid finalists may be asked to provide presentations to further clarify their responses and qualifications to fulfill the requirements of the project.
The reviewers will make a recommendation to the appropriate approving authority for award to the participant determined by the reviewers to have presented the best solution to fulfill the bid request. The appropriate approving authority will vary from project to project (e.g., dean, vice president, executive vice president, provost, or president).
RFP awards are often formally awarded by issuing a purchase order.
Request for Information (RFI)
A request for information (RFI) is a standard business process whose purpose is to collect written information about the capabilities of various suppliers. Normally, it follows a format that can be used for comparative purposes. RFIs are therefore seldom the final stage and are instead often used in combination with the following: request for proposal (RFP), request for quotation (RFQ).
Request for Quote (RFQ)
An RFQ is a standard business process used to invite suppliers to participate in a bidding process to bid on specific products or services. An RFQ often includes the specifications of the items/services to make sure all the suppliers are bidding on the same item/service. RFQs are best suited to products and services that are as standardized and as commoditized as possible, as this makes each supplier's quote comparable. An RFQ is usually awarded to the lowest bidder and is often awarded by issuing a purchase order.
Supplier Selection Process
Procurement services will award contracts only to responsible suppliers possessing the ability to perform successfully under the terms and conditions of a proposed procurement. Consideration will be given to such matters as price, supplier integrity, compliance with public policy, record of past performance, and financial and technical resources when making a bid award. At the discretion of the university when continuity of operations, interoperability, compatibility, or quality or materials are a concern, we may consider “best value” over the lowest responsive and responsible bidder with ample justification.
Bid/ Contract Awards
The Director of Procurement or designee is the sole authority releasing an executive summary for bid awards after the recommendation has been agreed upon by the requesting department(s). If the award does not constitute a formal contract the purchase order becomes the binding document along with the corresponding bid response. However, if a contract is necessary for the product or service the contract becomes the binding document and the authority is transferred to the designated signatories as outlined in the NSU contract management and signatory authority policy as attached.
Procurement services is responsible for administering a fair and competitive quote process to obtain products and services at the best possible value.
Requesters will consult with procurement services with sufficient advance notice prior to purchase of goods and services in order to determine appropriate sourcing activities, documentation requirements, and ordering and payment methods.
See Responsibilities, Authorized Procurement Methods, and Solicitation of Bids for additional information.
Purchases for Goods and Services Up to $10,000
Solicitation of bids or purchase requisitions with an aggregate or estimated value of $10,000 or less shall be processed in the following manner:
Purchases for Goods and Services between $10,000 and $25,000
Solicitation of bids or purchase requisitions with an aggregate value between $10,000 and $25,000 shall be processed in the following manner:
Purchases for Goods and Services from $25,000 to $250,000
Solicitation of bids or purchase requisitions with an aggregate value between $25,000 and $250,000 shall be processed in the following manner:
Purchases for Goods and Services in Excess of $250,000
Solicitation of bids or purchase requisitions with an aggregate value in excess of $250,000 shall be processed in the following manner:
Nova Southeastern University does not purchase goods and services from companies or individuals where there is a recognized potential for conflict of interest.
Faculty or staff members who would benefit financially from a given potential supplier selling goods and services to the university may not participate in the supplier selection process.
It is contrary to university policy for any university employee to personally solicit, demand, or receive any gratuity of any kind from a firm or individual in connection with any decision affecting a university purchase.
Procurement services will comply with the records management policy of the university.
Please visit for more information regarding the records management policies.
The Office of Procurement Services (OPS) in conjunction with Facilities Management and Financial Operations, is responsible for assisting in the proper disposal of university owned equipment, supplies or materials that have been declared surplus property. Items that departments no longer use can be redistributed to other departments sold, donated, or scrapped. The sale of surplus items shall be accomplished by competitive bids administered by OPS. This policy does not preclude the University of disposing of equipment or supplies through trade-in toward the purchase of new items.
Please visit for more information regarding the University’s Surplus Property and Equipment Policy
NSU is committed to stewardship of the environment. In support of the president’s climate commitment to achieve carbon neutrality and the university’s strategic plan, the goal of this policy is to reduce the adverse environmental impact of our purchasing decisions consistent with these principles:
IT Equipment
All desktop computers, notebooks/laptops, monitors/displays, and imaging equipment purchased must meet all Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool (EPEAT) environmental criteria designated as “gold” as contained in the IEEE 1680 Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products.
Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment
Chemically Intensive Products and Services
Food Service Providers
Consumable Office Products
NSU adheres to Design and Construction Standards, most materials and products are required to meet LEED Silver requirements at a minimum. Please see the link below to the full criteria manual for design and specification standards volumes I and II.
Abiding by the green procurement practices requires procuring products with:
Failure to comply with the NSU alcohol and substance abuse policies may result in appropriate corrective action, up to and including criminal prosecution as well as immediate termination. For individuals who are not NSU employees but who perform work at NSU for its benefit (i.e. independent contractors, temporary employees provided by agencies, volunteers, and so forth) failure to comply with the NSU alcohol and substance abuse policies may result in refusal or disallowance from further work for and at NSU.
Policy Application
NSU exercises the right to establish drug and/or alcohol search and screening procedures consistent with applicable local, state, and federal laws and where deemed necessary. An employee may be required to submit to an alcohol and/or drug test if reasonable suspicion exists. Supervisors must contact the OHR immediately when there is reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs or otherwise impaired in their performance due to the use of prescription drugs. Employees who are directed to submit to such tests and refuse or fail to do so when asked will be subject to immediate termination for insubordination. The alcohol and/or drug test must be completed within two hours; transportation will be provided.
An employee may also be required to submit to an alcohol and/or drug test if NSU determines that an alcohol and/or
drug test is required in order for NSU comply with the local, state, or federal law or regulation, in order for NSU to
comply with any contractual obligations, or for what NSU determines to be job-related reasons.
Depending on the nature of the position, employees who test positive for alcohol or illegal drugs may be referred to NSU’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for professional assistance or may result in appropriate corrective action, up to and including criminal prosecution as well as immediate termination. In such cases where the employee is offered an opportunity to participate in rehabilitation, the employee must sign and abide by the terms set forth in a Return-to-Work Agreement as a condition of continued employment. Employees who refuse such assistance or who fail to follow the treatment outlined for their recovery are subject to termination. Further, an employee who has successfully completed his or her defined treatment plan but who later tests positive for alcohol or illegal drugs will be subject to corrective action up to and including immediate termination of employment.
Positions deemed safety-sensitive are subject to random alcohol and/or drug testing. Random testing must be
completed within two hours of request.
Safety-sensitive positions include, but are not limited to the following classes of jobs:
NSU reserves the right to modify the list of identified “safety sensitive positions’ to ensure continued vitality of a comprehensive drug and alcohol program.
All drug-testing information will be maintained in separate confidential records.
NSU recognizes that drug addiction is an illness that requires professional assistance or treatment. Assistance for recovery from such illnesses is available through the EAP or NSU health plan. Please contact OHR to discuss in confidence any issues that fall within the provisions of this policy.
Employees must notify OHR of any criminal conviction related to drug activity in the workplace within five days after such conviction. If the individual is supported by a federal grant or contract, NSU must notify the appropriate government agency within 10 days after receiving such notice as required by the provisions of the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.