Funding opportunities can be found through various sources. Find below how to access funding-specific databases and other information about funders.
Want to get automatic funding alerts on various topics sent to your email inbox? Email to be added to NSU's "Funding Alerts" listserv to get biweekly emails.
Find below a curated selection of recent Funding Alerts for NSU faculty and staff. You can find more grants to support research and programs by searching the online database SPIN (this replaced the Pivot funding database):
Recent Funding Alert emails by topic:
*Note: Use the below compilations to better understand the funders in your area, even if the deadlines have passed. Many funders have recurring annual deadlines for grant programs.
Want to discuss your project idea or possible funding sources, feedback on your grant documents, or other grantseeking support? Contact the NSU Grant Writing Manager, Melanie Bauer (
Federal resources:
NIH Matchmaker - Tool for finding similar NIH Projects (*see our Guide for using NIH Matchmaker)
Private foundation resources:
Listings by discipline/career stage:
Local funders & resources: