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Connect to Title IX Resources

Title IX Staff

Nova Southeastern University is committed to maintaining classes, programs, and activities that are free from sexual discrimination and misconduct, in compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. If you or someone you know has questions, concerns, or would like to speak to someone about an experience, please review the resources on this website or contact the Title IX staff:

Contact information for Title IX staff

Laura Bennett, Title IX Coordinator/Managing Director of Title IX Compliance & Institutional Response to Sexual Misconduct
Tel: (954) 262-7858

Office: Remote/Virtual

Office of Human Resources
3300 S. University Drive
Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33328-2004


Shannel Zambrana, Deputy Title IX Coordinator/Senior Title IX Investigator
Tel: (954) 262-7863

Office: NSU Main Campus/Remote

Campus Support Building, Room 174
3550 SW 76th Avenue
Davie, Florida 33328

Locate on NSU's Interactive Map.


Sam Giordano, Title IX Case Manager & Sexual Violence Prevention Educator
Tel: (954) 262-7805

Office: NSU Main Campus/Remote

Campus Support Building, Room 170B
3550 SW 76th Avenue
Davie, Florida 33328

Locate on NSU's Interactive Map.





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